April 24

Sing a Song

Where is Thumbkin?

Where is Thumkin? Where is Thumkin?
(Hide hands behind back)
Here I am! Here I am!
(Show Left thumb, then Right thumb)
How are you today, sir?
(Wiggle Left thumb)
Very well, I thank you.
(Wiggle Right thumb)
Run away, run away.
(Hide Left Hand behind back, then Right Hand)

Continue with Pointer, Tall Finger, Ringer Finger, Pinkie


Poem In Your Pocket - Emily Arrow

Try This

Find a favorite poem (or write an original) and put it in your pocket today! Share it with everyone you meet (or at least the family members at your house!)

Read a Book

Here are two book recommendations for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries

  • A Poem in Your Pocket by Margaret McNamara; illustrated by G. Brian Karas
  • Keep a Pocket in Your Poem: Classic Poems and Playful Parodies written and selected by Patrick Lewis; illustrated by Johanna Wright

Explore More

See the April Activity Calendar for many more fun, educational activities you and your child can do anytime!